How to Create a Macro in Excel to Translate Languages ​​Using ChatGPT-4O and VBA

translation function in excel

How to Create a Macro in Excel to Translate Languages ​​Using ChatGPT-4O and VBA

OpenAI has recently launched the new ChatGPT GPT-4o, an advanced version of its language model that significantly improves text comprehension and generation.

This update offers greater precision in linguistic tasks such as text translation.

In this blog post, We'll show you how you can take advantage of this amazing technology to create a function in Excel using VBA to automatically translate text.

Specifically, Let's learn how to create a function in Excel using VBA to automatically translate text.

This function will use the OpenAI API with the GPT-4O model to detect the language of the text and translate it to the language of our choice.

In the YouTube video, explained step by step:

Macro to integrate OpenAI with Excel:

					Function Traducira(texto As String, idiomaDestino As String) As String
    Dim apiKey As String
'Dim idiomaDestino As String

    apiKey = "--------------AQUÍ TIENES QUE PONER TU NÚMERO DE API----------------"

    Dim http As Object
    Dim url As String
    Dim postData As String
    Dim respuesta As String
    Dim json As Object

    ' Construye la URL de la API de OpenAI
    url = ""

    ' Prepara los datos de la solicitud en formato JSON
    postData = "{""model"": ""gpt-4o"",""messages"": [{""role"": ""system"", ""content"": ""Eres un asistente útil que traduce texto. pero solo devuelve la tracuccion""}, {""role"": ""user"", ""content"": ""Translate the following text to " & idiomaDestino & ": " & texto & """}], ""max_tokens"": 100}"

    ' Crea el objeto HTTP
    Set http = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")

    ' Envía la solicitud a la API
    With http
        .Open "POST", url, False
        .setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/json"
        .setRequestHeader "Authorization", "Bearer " & apiKey
        .send postData
    End With

    ' Obtiene la respuesta
    respuesta = http.responseText

    ' Extrae la traducción de la respuesta JSON
    Set json = JsonConverter.ParseJson(respuesta)

    ' Maneja el caso de error en la respuesta
    On Error Resume Next
    Traducira = Trim(json("choices")(1)("message")("content"))
    On Error GoTo 0

    ' Limpia
    Set http = Nothing
    Set json = Nothing
End Function

How to translate languages ​​using OPENAI , CHATGPT-4o y Excel

These are the fantastic results of programming a macro that integrates the OPENAI API with Microsoft Excel.

In order to deserialize the HTTP request to OpenAi in Excel we will need to include the JsonConverter.bas module that we can download from GitHub, from the following link:

Macro vba excel translate languages ​​with openAI chatgpt-4o

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